Best diet to lose weight quickly and safely

Best diet to lose weight quickly and safely

How to lose weight quickly and safely in a week? You can call it in different ways, beer belly, float, consequences of love, curve of happiness, etc, call what you call what is a reality is that many of us carry a few extra kilos over, although we sometimes find it hard to notice.

Sometimes you put yourself in front of the mirror and putting a little gut it may seem that we got well to the famous bikini operation but the reality is that those kilos are there and now it is time to eliminate them

But what is the best way to lose weight fast and safe? That is the big question that is asked half a country at the moment, the great dilemma that urges us to resolve to show off this summer at the beach.

Lose weight quickly and safely depend on the diet


70% of our weight loss plan depends on diet, but what diet works to lose weight and is effective?

A gram of fat has 9 calories, so doing a few quick accounts we would have to eliminate a kilo we would have to burn about 9000 calories, this is not exactly accurate but it serves to give you an idea.

When you burn 9000 calories more than you consume, you begin to get in the way to lose your first kilo. But, what is the best way to lose those calories? The key is certainly in the diet, several studies show that weight loss is a simple game of numbers: in which you gain when you consume fewer calories than you burn.

Although diet will be the key to getting the body you want, combining it with exercise is the best way to get even faster and at the same time longer lasting results.

The other 30% will depend on staying active.

The key in the exercise will be in the intensity you put, rather than the duration. It is surprising to note that a person who performs high intensity aerobic exercise for 20 minutes can lose more fat than a person who does it at a lower intensity for 40 or 50.

To control the intensity it will be very helpful to control your heart rate, when your heart beats at 70% of your maximum heart rate then you are in a good intensity to achieve weight loss.

Aerobic exercise will be fantastic for you to get burned calories but if you still want to do better, you should combine it with strength training, when you do these you can accelerate your metabolism and you burn calories for hours after finishing the exercise, which will help you Burn even more calories.

However, do not forget the role that food plays in your plan (it does not matter if you are an Iron Man in the gym if you later eat a cow to eat). Reducing calorie consumption through healthier foods will make a difference, so avoid that XXL burger with your oily fries and bet on a chicken breast combined with some vegetables.

Benefits Mediterranean diet

Although calories count when it comes to losing weight, you also have to know that not all are the same, for example, in different studies it has been seen that those coming from proteins have a greater thermal effect, which comes to say that it is Perfect for speeding up your metabolism and getting even more calories burned. In addition to protein, it will help you feel satiated.

You also have to know that the body is very clever and adapts to the exercise you do, so it is important that you maintain a varied exercise routine so that you continuously expose yourself to new challenges and do not allow yourself to be bored with the same routine of Always, you burn much less calories.

You need more information to lose weight: Read the following article: ….Fast weight loss tips at home

Do you have a history of successful weight loss? What tips would you add to get fast and safe weight loss? You can leave your comments below.

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Best diet to lose weight quickly and safely Best diet to lose weight quickly and safely Reviewed by Unknown on 10:12 PM Rating: 5

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