Thanks to the properties of its ingredients this drink helps
us to accelerate the metabolism and to lose weight, besides to satiate us and
to help us to eliminate the liquid retention
The best way to lose weight is to replace the foods
that make us increase kilos by healthier ones that activate the metabolism
to burn more calories and help us eliminate fluids to lose volume.
Discover in this article a delicious drink based on coconut,
pineapple and ginger to lose weight and remove liquids in a balanced manner.
No to miracle diets
Today there are many types of "miracle diets" that
promise quick and surprising results in a very short time.
These diets are usually based on some food with beneficial
properties for health and weight loss. However, they are usually strict
and unbalanced diets, very low in fat and calories.
An effective and healthy diet is one that does not cause
suffering to the person who follows it, but makes you feel full of
optimism and vitality, while improving your way of eating progressively.
Foods that use miracle diets do provide an excellent way to
lose weight more easily. However, they should be included in a
balanced diet .
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more? See: Natural
Products For Fast Weight Loss
Lose Weight With Healthy Foods
Here are three foods that will help us boost our body's
ability to burn calories, burn fat, and eliminate fluids.
The coconut
Coconut is a tropical fruit that for many years has had a
bad reputation for its high content in saturated fats.
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the benefits
of drinking coconut water best time to drink for skin and weight loss
However, with the passage of time coconut has proved to be a
very nutritious food whose fats are beneficial for health and also for weight
By consuming this fat, our body speeds up the metabolism so
that we can lose weight more easily, as long as we are overweight.
In this sense, this food will not be useful for weight loss if the
person does not need it, since it acts as regulator.
In addition, coconut oil improves heart health, raises
defenses, provides energy, keeps skin healthy and regulates the functioning of
the thyroid gland, which in some cases also causes weight gain.
The pineapple is a staple food in the diets for
the purpose of weight loss and also a common remedy for many digestive
This tropical fruit is high in water and fiber and, on the
other hand, very low in calories.
These characteristics make it an excellent option to satiate
with ease when we feel hungry peaks between hours.
This fruit also stands out because of its high diuretic
power, since its habitual consumption helps us to eliminate the
liquids that accumulate in the body and that they cause swelling
in zones like the legs, the belly or the face.
The Ginger is a root that is used as a spice
in many countries to give a touch of refreshing and spicy flavour, aid
digestion and improve the juiciness of food.
However, its use as a medicinal remedy is ideal for improving
digestion, eliminating toxins and fluids and, above all, to activate the metabolism.
Metabolism is the function that is responsible for energy
expenditure, so if we increase it, we will burn more calories with the same
Diuretic drink to
lose weight
- The middle coconut pulp
- Half mature pineapple
- A piece of ginger (to taste)
- 1 litre of water
Note: If we cannot
get a fresh coconut, we can use coconut milk already prepared instead of
the litre of water.
- First, we will liquefy the coconut pulp with hot water for a few minutes.
- Add the pineapple and ginger and beat again until a more or less homogenous mixture.
- We will pour the drink and, if we wish, we will cool it in the refrigerator.
- We can sweeten it with a little stevia. However, the pineapple already provides natural sweetness.
How do we take it?
We will take this diuretic and depurative drink throughout
the day as follows:
- 2 glasses on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.
- 1 glass at midmorning.
- 1 glass in the afternoon.
- If we take it out of meals we will be able to boost its benefits to lose weight.
We can take this drink one or two weeks, several times a
year. We will always accompany you with a balanced and healthy diet.
Coconut, pineapple and ginger drink to lose weight and eliminate liquids
Reviewed by Unknown
3:05 AM

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