Nowadays, many people searching for how to lose weight while sleeping fast. Here we provide 7 Tips to Lose Weight While You Sleep. While it is not recommended to dine late or in large quantities, we can consume an infusion just before going to bed to promote sleep and appease the appetite
Overweight and obesity have become a public health
problem because it is proven to be a major trigger for serious
diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are its most known causes,
but there are also other factors that have a lot to do.
These sleep habits, which would have an important bearing
stands metabolic rate and its ability to help lose weight. Also read how to lose belly fat while sleeping.
What is worrying to the experts in the subject is that there
are more and more patients with difficulties to fall asleep or to sleep the
right hours.
Apparently, this is conditioned by the pre-sleep
habits, including the type of diet and schedule dinner.
Since synchronization between food and sleep is essential to
maintaining a stable weight, good start would include several tricks in
the nightly routine.
Next we share 7 Tips to Lose Weight While You Sleep. Go
through them so that you keep them in mind each night. Get to know them!
1. Consume foods rich
in tryptophan
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid whose function is to
support the body in the manufacture of its own proteins.
On the other hand, it is associated with increased
levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep.
This compound is present in several foods, mainly of animal
· Milk and its derivatives
· The eggs
· The meat
· Fish
· The banana
· The eggs
· The meat
· Fish
· The banana
Just add a quarter gram of this substance at dinner is
more likely to get a restful sleep.
2. Avoid Distractors
Sleep at least 8 hours a day without
interruption increases levels of a growth hormone which degrades fat, and
is associated with lower risk of obesity.
To maintain your proper levels you must ensure a quiet
night, without those distractors that often shorten your sleep hours.
Avoid elements like:
The television
The computers
The smartphones and tablets
3. Do not cenes
excessive amounts
It is not recommended to go to sleep on an empty stomach,
but it's not a good idea overeating before doing so.
A perfect dinner is one that provides between 15 and 25% of
the daily calories needed. Exceed this limit could influence weight
gain and sleep problems.
The problem is that the body is overloaded in the process of
digestion, which can cause discomfort and difficulty sleeping.
The worst is that your metabolism slows down and does
not work at a good pace the next day.
Too late dinners are related to obesity because, eating
late, there is a lower energy expenditure and a tendency to overdo
the calories.
It is advised to eat dinner at least three hours before
going to bed so that the body has time to carry out the digestion process.
Many diets fail because people consume fewer calories at breakfast and
lunch, but at dinner are exceeded.
Also Check: How to Use Water to Lose Weight While you
5. Consume tea
One of the best night sleep habits and lose weight is
to consume an infusion just before going to bed.
These not only induce deep sleep, but also help relax
the body and soothe your appetite.
The recommended ones
The chamomile
The Mint
The lavender
The linden tree
The peppermint
6. Do physical
While it is not recommended to exercise just
before bedtime, it is important to practice every day, at least four hours
before bedtime.
Physical activity relaxes the body, reduces stress
and makes our body continues to burn calories even at rest.
7. Keep Your Darkroom
When you go to bed, make sure the room is dark so you do not
run the risk of having interrupted dreams.
Light slows segregation of a hormone called melatonin, which
is released into the body to relax and induce sleep.
As much as possible, try to avoid exposure to strong light
sources during the hour before going to sleep.
People who have a good sleep environment have up to a
21% lower risk of being obese compared to those who sleep in places
with light sources.
Start appropriating all these daily habits and see for
yourself that they have a lot to do with your metabolism and your weight.
Of course, so that weight loss will have to make other
adjustments in your lifestyle.
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7 Tips to Lose Weight While You Sleep
Reviewed by Unknown
10:10 PM

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